Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Promoting Real Estate Investing Club in Michigan written by: Carl Becker

Nature has blessed the State of Michigan with a lot of beauty. Basically this State is unique because it is divided into two peninsular regions and therefore, its real estate prices differ as per the location where property is to be purchased. Winters are severe here, and that can affect the prices of properties as well. But proximity to well developed employment centers around it, keeps people interested in the State's real estate. For a novice, purchasing property here may mean going through a lot of information, some of which is necessary and other, absolutely unessential. The trick is, knowing what to focus on. Michigan Property Investors should not decide on property purchase here based on their knowledge about real estate properties in other states. Characteristics of such properties and requirements such as heating in this State differ considerably from those in many other states. Luckily, there are real estate investing clubs in Michigan that can help people desirous of purchasing properties in Michigan identify all those factors and help them gain from their investment.

Any real estate investing club is formed by people who have succeeded with their real estate investments. Many of the club members or associates have professional qualifications and considerable experience in taxation, estate planning, property finance, and law. Most of the information is out there, on Internet. But relying on information provided by any single website is not always helpful. Moreover, information may be organized on these sites in a way that it is hard to collate, retrieve, or comprehend. Most people do not have time or ability to crunch those numbers and charts such sites provide, and understand their implications. They want answers in yes, or no.
For example, Michigan Property Investors would want to know

a. Is it the right time to invest in properties located in Michigan?
b. Which properties in Michigan would fetch better returns?
c. What is the median price of property in Michigan?
d. How long should I hold it, if I am only a speculator?
e. What sort of returns may I expect if I intend to hold it for five years from now?
f. What are rental values in different parts of this State?
g. What are the rates of property taxes applicable in the State?
h. What is the maximum and minimum temperature in the region?
i. What are the employment opportunities around?
j. What is the state's position so far as unemployment statistics go?
k. What is the cost of living in different parts of Michigan State?
l. I earn only so much, and I have so much money to invest. I would like to live in picturesque place like Michigan. What are my options?

So on and so forth. Most people prefer direct answers rather than searching data and graphs and getting their answers from them. In any event, the information about such things is spread across different sites, making the task of concluding anything a difficult proposition. 

Some of the websites do have interaction facility. Even here, Michigan Property investors may not remember what to ask and the realtors are under no obligation to disclose information they possess unless it is asked for. At meetings that real estate investing club members hold every week, people discuss various problems and help others become wiser. They raise questions, which may not have struck Michigan property investors. Effectively, more information can be obtained from such meetings since nobody at this meeting is selling anything and they have no reason to withhold any information or vested interest in advising wrongly. It is true that real estate agents are often members of such club, as are realtors. But they cannot afford to give wrong advise as others club members are likely to monitor such advises.

Joining real estate investing club makes people smarter for their impending real estate investments. They understand the tricks of the trade, and what they need to ask and look for. Such clubs or Real Estate investor associations can also help people when they face any problems relating to their real estate property, and guide on the course of action they need to take. For example, if the title is found to be defective, after closing, then people are told how they should go about reclaiming their monies and additional sums as well. Likewise, Michigan property investors can get guidance on cost of home, price trends, availability of mortgage, rental realization, prospects of the region, etc. at such meetings, because there would be genuine people not engaged in real estate business, who bought or sold properties, attending such meetings.

Real Estate Investing Club Host:  Mark Maupin
Real Estate Investing Club Phone 248-752-0800
Real Estate Investing Club  Email:
Questions & Answers  4-6 pm
Main Real Estate Speaker 6-8 pm
Meets 3rd Thursday each month at Detroit College

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